Lillian Taylor Writer: Courage and Dedication to Pursue Your Dream!

Would you be wiling to turn your life upside down to make your dream career a reality? Even if you. couldn’t be sure you would be successful? Lillian Taylor, Writer is the main character in her own screenplay…and the real-life story of dedication and courage it takes to pursue her dream as a writer. She’s done it and receiving kudos a writer, blogger, humorist, Meme Harvester, and more. You’ll love her bubbly and positive personality as well as her wit…and inspirational attitude!
“Midlife is a beautiful awakening, not a crisis, and a force to be reckoned with. It is impossible to put out our flame and desire for more knowledge, purpose and meaning while we embrace and explore these middle-age years.”

For more on Lillian Taylor go to where you can buy her merch…and sign up to follow her on Facebook!
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