The Ups and Downs of Springtime

Spring is in the air and our three virtual comrades, Art Kirsch, and John Coleman, led by the ever astute observationalist, Bill Jordan are ready to assess not only the ups and downs, the pros and cons of the season but it’s deeper meaning—in their own fashion of course.

Babies and GRANDparenting

What is it about babies? They’re just so kissable and huggable! Is that any different whey you’re a GRANDPARENT? Bill Jordan of Embrace the boom gets together with Art and John of Celebrating Act 2 to compare notes! You’ll have fun watching.  

The Manly Art Of Grilling

Yes, manning the Grill for some is considered a gender imperative! it is to them literally, MANning the Grill! But as our friends Art and John at Celebrating Act 2™ share their perspectives with Bill Jordan of Embrace the boom, we find it’s not quite so universal. Is it in the male DNA or not? … Read more

AdviceForGen Xers

Since Baby Boomers have not stopped aging, the next generation –aka “Gen X” –has now moved into Senior status! Yes there are many Xers who are over 50 — up to 56 years old! So Art Kirsch and John Coleman of Celebrating Act 2™ (The User Manual For the 2nd Half of Your Life) turned … Read more

Bill Jordan’s “Practice #4”

John and Art of Celebrating Act 2™ really love the “15 Practices” for living a better life of Embrace The Boom founder Bill Jordan.In this episode they discuss #4, “Stay In The Present,” and what that really means. Watch and let us know if #4 is helpful to you!

Love And Valentine’s Day

Is Valentine’s day just about romantic love? Bill Jordan of Embrace The Boom, tries to wax poetic about love and gets sidetracked by Art and John of Celebrating Act 2™ as the discussion widens into the nature of love and all its various forms, — including friendship! How many people do you love?…and what kind … Read more

Genetic Curiosity

Bill Jordan, Creator of Embrace The Boom movement, has an itch that needs to be scratched: He’s taken with DNA testing…And he’s not the only one! As he tells John Coleman and Art Kirsch of Celebrating Act 2™, he’s got specific reasons for wanting to get his DNA report. But you may also be one … Read more

Mourning our Favorite Stars

When we hear a famous personality died we feel like we’ve lost a friend–even though we did not know them personally. That’s the way Bill Jordan felt when he heard bout actor Sean Connery passing. Art and John of Celebrating Act 2™ share their feelings on the deaths of famous people with Bill Jordan of … Read more

New Year Resolutions

Do you make New Year Resolutions? Bill Jordan of Embrace the Boom talks with Art and john of Celebrating Act 2 0153 about the meaning and value of doing so. As usual, Bill has a slightly different take on it…and some valuable perspective…See if you agree.  

New Year’s Eve!

  So, at what age do you stop staying up to watch the ball drop on New Year’s Eve? And what’s really important to you on that night? Bill Jordan of Embrace The Boom compares attitudes about the raucous holiday evening as they discuss how our approach to the night changes with age…or does it?