Manny Pacheco’s Forgotten Hollywood: Did Movies Originate the Chase Scene?

Manny fills in the blanks when John suggests that the famous cinematic technique of the “Chase Scene” is really unique to motion pictures! Did it originate with cinema? The discussion is fun and far reaching as we reminisce about all kinds of exciting CHASE SCENES!   For more on Manny Pacheco go to And listen … Read more

Manny Pacheco’s Forgotten Hollywood: the Fun & Value of Film Festivals

Hollywood Historian and author, Manny Pacheco, attends lots of film festivals. He shares some of his favorites with John and Art of Celebrating Act 2 while discussing the fun and value of attending events such as The Columbus Moving Picture Show, Cinecon, and TCM Film Festival. For more on Manny Pacheco go to And … Read more

Manny Pacheco’s Forgotten Hollywood: Unique Actor John Garfield

Hollywood Historian, Manny Pacheco takes a look at the unique career and acting skills of John Garfield, often best known for “The Postman Always Rings Twice” and “The Sea Wolf”. You’ll be surprised what you learn about this film star who died at a relatively young age. For more on Manny Pacheco go to … Read more

Manny Pacheco’s Forgotten Hollywood: WESTERN FILMS: Hollywood vs Reality!

As much as we love Westerns–sometimes called a uniquely American genre –we also recognize Hollywood takes liberties in portraying the ‘Old West’. You’ll enjoy this discussion about just how much of our favorite genre reflects reality! Let us know your thoughts…and your favorite / least favorite Western! For more on Manny Pacheco go to … Read more

Manny Pacheco’s Forgotten Hollywood: Who’s the BEST Dracula?

We love our scary villains and there’s none better than DRACULA. The blood-sucker has been portrayed by numerous actors and been reinterpreted by directors and producers over the years with different level of success. Who’s your favorite? Can you guess who Manny Pacheco picks as his favorite Dracula? For more on Manny Pacheco go to … Read more

Manny Pacheco’s Forgotten Hollywood: NEW Platforms for Classic Films!

While once it was hard to find classic films –relegated to the rare DVD– it’s now easy, given all the streaming platforms that are dedicated to cinema. Hollywood Historian and author, Manny Pacheco, mentions some you may not have heard of which alone will make this video worth your while! For more on Manny Pacheco … Read more

What’s the “MacGuffin” in Movies?

Alfred Hitchcock made the term popular but where did it come from and what does it mean? Hollywood Historian Manny Pacheco explains…but you’ll also enjoy some of his examples of Movie MacGuffins…see if you agree ! And let us know of other Movie MacGuffins we may have missed! For more on Manny Pacheco go to … Read more

Tribute to Rock & Roll Stars in Movies

You’ll be surprised at some of the famous names from the world of Rock & Roll who appeared in movies! Of course there’s ELVIS and a few others who dominated as headliners but I’ll bet you won’t think of even half of the rest! On the other hand, we didn’t get them all so feel … Read more

Movie Quiz – Famous Last Lines

Manny decides to challenge John and Art to a quiz of famous closing lines from some well known Hollywood films. You can play along as well! Think you know these films? Try Your knowledge (or luck) and let us know how you did! For more on Manny Pacheco go to And listen to his … Read more