Manny Pacheco - Forgotten Hollywood

Much more than his well-deserved title of Hollywood Historian, Manny is a reporter and great storyteller. While his passion is the nexus of Hollywood and American history, you’ll find his award-winning blogs reveal he is very much involved with the current events and today’s personalities of motion pictures and entertainment in general. He’s also a respected professor of Film History and a seasoned Broadcaster (radio, TV and Cable).

You can learn more about Manny Pacheco as well as contact him, read his excellent blogs and buy his books, by going to his website:

Meanwhile, enjoy the many videos (below) he has done with Celebrating Act 2!

Manny Pacheco’s Forgotten Hollywood: Did Movies Originate the Chase Scene?

Manny fills in the blanks when John suggests that the famous cinematic technique of the “Chase Scene” is really unique ...

Manny Pacheco’s Forgotten Hollywood: the Fun & Value of Film Festivals

Hollywood Historian and author, Manny Pacheco, attends lots of film festivals. He shares some of his favorites with John and ...

Manny Pacheco’s Forgotten Hollywood: Famous Film Composers The Sherman Bros.

Manny takes a look at the work of the Sherman Brothers – noted mostly for their songs and scoring of ...

Manny Pacheco’s Forgotten Hollywood: Unique Actor John Garfield

Hollywood Historian, Manny Pacheco takes a look at the unique career and acting skills of John Garfield, often best known ...

Manny Pacheco’s Forgotten Hollywood: WESTERN FILMS: Hollywood vs Reality!

As much as we love Westerns–sometimes called a uniquely American genre –we also recognize Hollywood takes liberties in portraying the ...

Manny Pacheco’s Forgotten Hollywood: Who’s the BEST Dracula?

We love our scary villains and there’s none better than DRACULA. The blood-sucker has been portrayed by numerous actors and ...