John Mariani - The Virtual Gourmet

Besides reporting for Celebrating Act 2™, John Mariani is the author of over a dozen books. While many are about Food and Travel, his work also includes a few novels, some of which have been serialized in Mariani’s popular Virtual Gourmet Newsletter.

He also hosts a weekly radio show on WVOX Radio (click image below) talking with a wide variety of fascinating guests.

You can learn more about John as well as contact him and subscribe to John’s FREE Newsletter about food and travel, The Virtual Gourmet, by going to his website:

Meanwhile, enjoy the many videos (below) he has done with Celebrating Act 2!

John Mariani The Virtual Gourmet: Messina, Italy: A Hidden Gem?

As a world traveler, food and travel writer, John Mariani is on the lookout for destinations with great food and ...

John Mariani The Virtual Gourmet: Profiling the Giants of Gastronomy

Noted Food and Travel Writer, John Mariani, explains how and why he profiles the important people of the food and ...

John Mariani The Virtual Gourmet: What’s Special about San Marzano Tomatoes

Everyone loves Spaghetti…and we LOVE a great tomato sauce! World traveler and Food writer, John Mariani shares the secret behind ...

The Truth about the Hemingway Bar in the Ritz

The “Hemingway Bar’ in the Paris Ritz is legendary but how much is true? Did Papa H. imbibe there? Is ...

The Virtual Gourmet: The Cost of Dining In Paris

Today Is Paris affordable? Today? After Covid? Is the haute cuisine of this food mecca worth it? Time change as ...

The Virtual Gourmet: An Honest Look at Spiced Rum

Are “Spiced” Rums new? Innovative? Or a rip-off? Food and travel author, John Mariani address not only Spiced Rum but ...