Why Only 5 Topics?

A little organization goes a long way! As Art and I looked at all the things about which we wanted to help our fellow baby boomers (and those younger and older as well) we realized we’re talking about a million potential topics! Topics within topics and subcategories and specialties and more esoteric categorization than Mr. Dewey confronted with his daunting decimal system! Yep, no less than everything life throws at you—THAT’s what we see Celebrating Act 2 being about!

Naturally, that was much too confusing. And of course, from the beginning our goal was not just to tell stories of inspiring people celebrating their personal Act 2 —and others who are dealing with the downside of Act 2— but to make available their advice and resources so the rest of us can benefit. That meant a website which would be easy to navigate and find things. Yes, a well organized website but one that was relatively simple.

So, after a lot of coffee at Starbucks we figured we could cull it all down to 5 very broad categories. That’s how we ended up with Lifestyle-Health-Relationships-Finance-Entertainment. We know it’s not perfect and we have already run into stories which could easily fit under more than one heading but we hope you will find these five basic categories an easy way to find what you’re looking for.

Of course our website will become more valuable to you over time as we do more stories and dig up more resources to help you navigate the second Act of your life!

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